Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thurs, 3/27

2nd "Usability Testing" In-Class Exercise with Clickable Wireframes, Revising Script & Planning for User Testing of 3-5 Individuals in Target User Group

  • First, refer back to the previous session of Usability testing you conducted, and copy the script. You may need to refer back to The Quick Guide on the Tuesday, 2/25 Blog Post.
  • Update any changes you need to your script to account for changes between your paper wireframe version and your clickable wireframe version. The task-based testing questions might be ones you need to update since your project has most likely changed bit. - Perhaps add some new questions because your app has probably had some issues resolved and more added features, as it is now in an interactive & non-paper format.
  • Post this new script in a new blog post with the changes
  • Run through the Usability test as we have in the previous class time with the Conductor, Recorder, and User in YOUR OWN GROUPS. Refer back to the blog post if you need to.
  • Also in your blog post, include what we did last time:
    • Record the user's answers on your blog
    • Then, write a short paragraph that summarizes your findings using "If, Then" statements. If the user was confused about _____ and ____ , then we should change_____ about our site because _____. I expect you'll have a lot to say here, but keep it to a maximum of 500 words.
    • Once we finish this, we will switch with members from other groups as the "users."
    • Record the user's answers on your blog
    • Then, write a short paragraph that summarizes your findings using "If, Then" statements. If the user was confused about _____ and ____ , then we should change_____ about our site because _____. I expect you'll have a lot to say here, but keep it to a maximum of 500 words.
  • At the end you should have a blog post that contains your new script with revisions, answers from the 2 different people (one user from your group and one user from another group) and you should be able to transcribe/summarize answers to your questions and observations they make pretty easily because you will have an audio recording on your phone. You should also have two paragraphs with if_ then_ statements and findings.
  • The next 2 things that will be due in two weeks, which you should all be working on are your Usability Testing Analysis for 3-5 People that you find from your target audience outside of class. You should take this revised script, and usability test users from outside of this class who fit within your target audience - each one individually or one at a time without the others listening in.
  • Write each user's answers (You can rename the user for anonymity if you'd like) and a short paragraph using the "If the user was confused about _____ and ____ , then we should change_____ about our site because _____." format as well as other summary observations you may find that might lead you to changes in your next Prototype.
  • In these next two weeks you will also be "fully realizing" your wireframe into a color prototype. This means it has the final "look & feel" of the application. It will have final graphics and branding, images, text, colors, titles, block elements. You will progress your stylesheet to colorize and beautify your clickable black & white wireframe. There should be no lorem ipsum (but your real text/paragraph info), and again things can be simulated with images (like video players) but they will have final colors/styling.
  • Look at this web site for explanation for converting wireframes -> color prototypes
  • You will then have one weekend before the last week of class to prepare for final presentations - or the second half of your progress on the project.
  • Final, Visually-Realized Clickable Prototype & 3-5 Usability Testing Analyses on people NOT in our class - these both will be due on 4/10
  • On 4/10 we will run through another Usability Test before you can tweak the final version to turn in. The other half of the class you will have a bit of time to work on preparing for your presentations. We shouldn't have to utilize finals period times.

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