- Introduction to course, format, expectations, syllabus
- Vocabulary, User Centered Design
- READ & REACT: 5 Design Styles, YWSG – Chapter 1 & 2
- Remember to think of several (perhaps 3) common problems that you could pitch to your group as an idea for a web site or service. It can be a problem that people encounter in everyday life, a Columbus-specific problem, a problem or challenge you may face being a student, etc. We will form the groups Tuesday.
Example Problems:
- Bed Bugs in Columbus
- Parking in the city
- Making tying shoes easier for kids
Just a nice infographic of the disciplines of User Experience - This course will touch on a lot of these topics, but will be focused on the User-Centered Design Process as it pertains to the practice of building web sites, specifically as a group. Lectures, examples, and individual projects will get you acquainted with the technical practice and mechanics of web design:

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