Thurs, 3/20
CSS Zen Garden Critique
Let's Evaluate our Web Sites in Critique based on:
Hierarchy - Hierarchy of visual and text information - Where does your eye immediately get directed? Does it point you to the main information right away?
Typography - Are the fonts harmoniously occupying the space with one another? Does the font help communicate? This is crucial for a design with less emphasis on illustration or art.
Legibility - Is the text and the information/images legible i.e. an appropriate reading size, line spacing, etc.?
Consistency - Is the branding/images, colors, fonts, layout design etc. consistent throughout the page? Does everything occupy the space together harmoniously?
Contrast - Does the site provide adequate visual contrast for the best legibility? Also, visual hierarchy of contrast? Colors largely play a part here.
Usability - Does the CSS Redesign allow for the same usability as without the style?
Adherence to CSS Zen Garden Rules - Was the HTML left alone (with the exception of adding web fonts)? Did you use CSS and/or CSS3 for the redesign? Other types of code can support the design, but CSS/CSS3 should be the main tools used for the redesign.
You have the weekend to make changes to your site, and I will email you with feedback/suggestions for improvement.
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