Tues, 4/15
Final Project Presentations
Presentation order is reverse of last time (all groups should be prepared Tuesday just in case):
- Rhayssa, Anna, Gina
- Anthony M, Katie, Nicole
- Anthony Z, Christine
- Caitlin, Erica, Ryka
- Lee, Leandra
- Mohammed, Morgan, Mallorie
- Payton, Michelle, Yunqi
Rubric for the presentations are the same as last time, but will be 3 points for each category:
- Organization/Preparedness
- Content
- Demonstration of Material / Critical Analysis
- Clarity, Legibility, Conciseness of Information
- Participation
Remember, your presentation is on the last half of the class. You can summarize some of the info from the first part of the class that you covered in your mid-semester presentation to introduce this final presentation, but focus on the Wireframes, Usability Testing, and Color Prototype.
The presentations last time were great - But some things to consider - condensing of information on each slide, and legibility of graphics and text would improve your presentations. Make the text as big as you can, and reduce the words on each slide!
You may consider taking screenshots of your wireframes and prototypes and put them into your presentation, so you are not clicking through navigation when you talk about each page.
Presentations should only have simple, short points to drive the message home, lots of visuals, and you should be explaining the rest. You may use whatever tool you like to present with; Powerpoint, PDF, Prezi, even straight from the blog if you format it, etc. Keep it to 15 minutes.
Grades for presentations will be updated this week, as you finish them.
All grades for final presentations and individual participation will be updated next week
We will not need to utilize finals week - You will be free after Thursday!
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