Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thurs, 2/13

La Fogata Web Sites!

Let's Evaluate our Web Sites in Critique based on:

  • Hierarchy - Hierarchy of visual and text information - Where does your eye immediately get directed? Does it point you to the main information right away?
  • Typography - Are the fonts harmoniously occupying the space with one another? Does the font help communicate?
  • Legibility - Is the text and the information/images legible i.e. an appropriate reading size, line spacing, sans serif, etc.?
  • Page widths - Are all the page widths consistent? Would the page width function for a web site (not evaluating for mobile)?
  • Consistency - Is the branding, colors, fonts, layout design etc. consistent throughout the site?
  • Contrast - Does the site provide adequate visual contrast for the best legibility? Also, visual hierarchy of contrast?
  • Templates - Does the template work and create consistency? Is there something not working well with the template?
  • Page Structure - Does the web site structure make sense? Does it have a header, body, footer, etc.?
  • Global Navigation - Can you easily navigate to every page from every page?
  • Usability - How usable is the site? Are there broken links? etc.

  • You get the weekend to finish your assignments and re-upload your zip files - We can revisit the ones we missed on Tuesday for a mini-critique before presentations, but I will only grade your final file structure that you upload.
  • Some of your sites mysteriously look very similar and use the same images from my site. Remember you are using your own design! My design was made quickly and hastily in a day. I want you to think about how you can one-up me!
  • About half of you used uppercase letters or lowercase letters to name your files in the code or vice versa, while actually naming your files the other way - servers are extremely picky about this. Make sure all your files have lowercase letters and always use lowercase in naming conventions just so you never confuse this. Your main file should be called "index" and should always be located within the main directory of a site.
  • I went back and fixed all your naming issues so your sites work - ALSO MAKE SURE that when you link items, you are linking them like so: < a href="index.html >< /a > or < img src="file/image.jpg" > and NOT < a href="C://mycomputerfiles/filefolder/filefolder/lafogata/index.html" >. This is a specific file path that will ONLY WORK on your computer. Again I changed all of yours so the files work today, but for Tuesday go back and fix this - about half of you had this problem.
  • Thanks... looking good! I know it is a lot of work but now hopefully you understand the challenges of designing for the web!
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